About Me

Quick sync…
Hello There! You are looking at my little personal blog. Here, I’m posting various articles on so many areas that I find interesting :). Some articles are of some guide to a beginner maybe, from the experience I have gained over time. Others are usually knowledge and my opinions. If you have a sneak-peak on one of these articles, it will give you new knowledge for sure, but it is up to you to decide on which opinions to agree on.
This place is for anyone with curiosity. It could be someone searching answers for a big bad developer problem, anyone looking for guidance or anyone interested in reading stuff.
My interests…
If you love software or electronics engineering related concepts and math, probably you will feel at home here. Moreover, there are economics and finance related stuff as well. Keeping all the technical stuff aside, I love journaling and deep conversation. I like travelling, though I have travelled very little. I would say I am a curious kid at heart.
I’m currently following my undergraduate studies on electronics and telecommunication engineering. I have a knack for coding, so I am interested in software development as well. My interests in accounting, econ and finance come from my part time studies in Accounting and Finance. I’m a CFA student and naturally the studies made me curious on those areas as well. I’m still a learner and I would love your comments on what I’ve written.
Article writing is fun…
Writing articles can be a great way to express oneself. It depends on person to person, for me I believe the best way is writing. It was until very recently I found out that writing articles can be a great way to spend free time. It can be an escape from harsh competitive world. It felt great when people from different corners from the world started to find some of my articles useful in medium.com.
I’m a final year student in my undergraduate studies. Since childhood I loved my studies, and I was drawn to certain subject areas. I believe it was a long and a disciplined journey. Thank goodness, my formal education is coming to an end, probably I can enjoy a little bit more :D.
To end this rather long description, I would love to connect with anyone to share interests or knowledge. So feel free to connect at any time :D.